The Wall Street Boy, Kipkemboi
The Wall Street Boy, Kipkemboi is the story of an African teenager in a mud hut who brings the world financial markets to its knees. After the young math genius creates a successful equation to play the stock market, he attracts the unwanted attention of dangerous international financiers and local police. From a small and poor village, Kipkemboi is forced to flee for his safety and convince authorities of the incredible mathematical discovery.
The action thriller was directed by Charles Uwagbai (The Ghost and The Tout, Blood of Enogie), written by Joel Richardson, and produced by Jennifer Jonas and Leonard Farlinger (New Real Films), with music supervision by Michael Perlmutter.
This film was an opportunity for composer Amin Bhatia to re-engage his love of modular synthesizers as well as sounds and music from his African childhood. Kipkemboi is a very David and Goliath story, so organic and ethnic instruments would battle against walls of synths. It was a very enjoyable experience for all involved in the score, and a very timely message about man and technology.
Score Produced by Amin Bhatia
Violin – Drew Jurecka
Guitars – Joel Schwartz
Guitars, Percussion, Additional Music – Jason Couse
Percussion, Additional Music – Walker Grimshaw
Sound Design: Daniel Pellerin and Amin Bhatia
Representation, Canada – Vanguarde Artists
Representation, USA – Soundtrack Music Associates
Composer Wrangler – Arlene Bishop
Office Amin-istrator – Danielle Bhatia
Music Supervision – Michael Perlmutter
Music Editing – P Jason McNeil
Producers: Jennifer Jonas and Leonard Farlinger
Software and Hardware by Apple, Arturia, Focusrite, Heavyocity, Moog,
NI, Spectrasonics, Tracktion, and UAD.